
Amelie was very good and I am going to need a second watch to completely gather my thoughts on it. I think the film paints Amelie to be a sort of vigilante in the way she goes unseen and keeps her identity a secret. through out the movie we see her attempting to improve the life of others around her and while doing that she has improved her own. The movie has a positive attitude throughout and I felt uplifted at the end of it. Much like the last film we watched the film is a bit sporadic and seems little unorganized. It throughs in random mini stories within. Unlike the other film I felt that it all added to the vibe of the story. Whenever there was a strange added scene it packed some kind of emotion or gave a view into Amelie's head.

In the Roger Ebert review it said "Of course this is not a realistic modern Paris, and some critics have sniffed about that, too: It is clean, orderly, safe, colorful, has no social problems, and is peopled entirely by citizens who look like extras from "An American in Paris."". I would agree with this. There wasn't much of a social commentary in this film. I think this film was made to be just the opposite. It's an escape and allows you to relax while you watch it. Rather then trying to make you think about problems of the world and reflecting on such, it gives you a breather. And thats kind of the whole theme of the movie. It's all about Amelie doing good deeds and making peoples lives better. Thats what the film does throughout. The movie gets you away for a bit and makes you happy. You feel uplifted and happy while watching the movie and you forget a bit about everything else. Amelie doesn't only succeed in her pledge to make the characters in the movie happier but she does the same for the viewers


  1. worth considering this more in light of our other films--
    It throughs in random mini stories within."
    Indeed--possible paper 2 topic to think of this film and how other films are about multiple narratives...


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