Final Blog

I think in my final paper I want to focus on the view of society from the characters and how the film portrays it. I think most of the films could be relevant for this topic. I chose three for now that I want to focus on.

First is Amelie. We see Amelie benefit from society. Amelie sees society differently than a lot of other characters we've looked at does. She sees it as something she can make better. Throughout the film we see her attempting to make people happier. Not only do we see her making a positive impact but she also benefits from it. In the end we see that she is happier form what she has done.

Second Red Balloon. In this film we see a boy with a balloon thats following him around. Mean while everywhere he goes people are trying to pop his balloon. With this film society (people trying to pop his balloon) are a burden. I think I could go into the symbolism in this a bit and also the historical context of post world war 2 Europe.

Third I want to look at the two short films we watched about life in Paris. In these two films we see the main characters struggling to get by in Paris. I will talk about the pressure of being an immigrant and the burden of living a lower class lifestyle and the pressure that is put on these people.

After discussing the three films I will compare the second two to Amelie. I will discuss how Amelie does recognize the pressure of society on people as it is the reasons she strives to make peoples lives better. Using this I can relate the two films to Amelie and show some similarities in the films discussing the struggles of the characters that Amelie attempts to help and the character in the second and third films I am focusing on.


  1. OK--need a bit more focus but this sounds interesting: perhaps rephrase...
    " the view of society from the characters and how the film portrays it. "
    you mean, individual's relation to society? can it be redeemed etc, and how so?


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