Run Lola Run

Run Lola Run was a film working hard to be unique with it's artsy animations and sporadic film style. Although I think the film succeeded in being unique I feel that it tried little to hard. It wanted everything to poplar the time and I think that caused the plot to become glazed over. I can see kind of what it was trying to do, but it's little over the top.

Lola is running through the city trying to find a hundred thousand dollars in twenty minutes in order to save her boyfriend. In the film we see in three different sceneries. Each of them changing only slightly in their sequence of events but very different in how they end. By doing this we see the importance of timing and choices as each aspect plays a major role in the ending. Seconds difference in when Lola is running by changes the outcome in each situation she is put in. I think there is also an aspect of consequence buried in the plot. In each of the three different outcomes we see at least one person die as a result of Lola running by or taking money.

I think this movie was made in a time that really pushed over the topness. I think film was changing and this movie felt it had to join in the change. The use of a female heroine in ahead of its time. You would not expect to see this in the United States and that may be why Americans were attracted to the film. I think it's different that what you would find in late 90's American film.


  1. interesting re: plot glazed over---might a response be that it's all about plot--how x makes y happen? It's actually mostly about narrative events?


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